I Pressen


Jeg fikk voldsomt angst, ble mørkeredd og fikk kraftige kramper

Tore Bakken (67) stolte på at medisinene legen skrev ut ville hjelpe ham. – Det er det dummeste jeg noen gang har gjort, sier han.

Det var i Spania, tilbake i 2004, at Tore Bakken (67) forsto hva som var galt med ham.

Han hadde nettopp googlet sammen med kona. Undersøkt. De søkte opp alle medisinene han tok daglig og hvilke effekter de kunne ha.

Det de leste var skremmende.

Årsaken til at han var blitt uføretrygdet, alle de tunge dagene, grunnen til at han hadde vært sengeliggende i nesten to og et halvt år ble plutselig innlysende.


Benzodiazepine addiction is real

This physician shares his story

Say the words, “drug addiction,” and most of us think of heroin, alcohol, cocaine, or opiates. However, lurking in the shadows is a less talked about epidemic: addiction to benzodiazepines, commonly known as “benzos.” I should know because after taking a nighttime dose of lorazepam (Ativan) for about ten years; I finally weaned myself off this and all other prescription sleep medications.

About twelve years ago, my father died and then my dog. But that was nothing in comparison to the fight to save my marriage from alcohol addiction: not mine, but my wife’s. It occurred around the same time. She ultimately lost that battle and her life, but only after years of struggles, stints in rehab, and admissions for GI bleeding and liver failure. I was left divorced and a single dad. The stress of the constant combat with active alcoholism led me to leave the partnership of the cardiology practice that I had started, and go off of night call. I calmed the sleepless nights with medications.

Læs mere: Benzodiazepine addiction is real

’Noller’ anklager: Læger pusher piller

Skarp kritik fra Grand Prix-vinder Niels ’Noller’ Olsen: Læger udskriver alt for mange stærkt vanedannede nervepiller. Lægerne 'burde skamme sig', siger musikeren


Niels Olsen alias 'Noller', den ene af de to Olsen-brødre, er mest kendt for sine ufarlige popsange om kærlighed. Men den normalt så venlige og smilende popsanger skruer nu bissen på.

Han anklager danske læger for at være alt for rundhåndede, når der skal udskrives recepter på stærkt afhængigheds-skabende nervemedicin, de såkaldte benzodiazepiner. Ja, han kalder ligefrem lægerne for 'pushere', der 'burde skamme sig'.

Læs mere: ’Noller’ anklager: Læger pusher piller

Matt Samet: Fighting drugs with rocks

Rock climber Matt Samet, 41, former editor-in-chief of Climbing Magazine, didn’t plan on becoming a writer too. During a break from studying geology at the University of Colorado at Boulder in the early ‘90s, a conversation with his father helped point him toward journalism. 

“It’s funny. It’s the kind of thing that only a father could say,” said Samet. “My dad was like, ‘Just think about what happens when you’re 40 and your fingers hurt all the time and you’re living in a van at the climbing area. Is that what you really want?’ And even then, I knew that he had a point.”

Samet, a native of Albuquerque, N. M., went on to study journalism and moved to Italy, traveling across Europe to report on the World Cup and sport climbing. 

Samet, an accomplished climber himself, has tackled routes that most rock climbers never touch. He redpointed [successfully completing a climb from the ground without ever putting weight on the rope while pinning all of the safety gear as the climber ascends] difficult climbs such as Zulu, at Colorado’s Rifle Mountain Park. He was the first to complete Chewbacca, a bouldering problem [typically climbs done on huge boulders] on West Mountain at Hueco Tanks State Historic Site in Texas. The feat is so challenging and dangerous that no other rock climber has ever successfully repeated it.

But one of the toughest ascents Samet conquered wasn’t on a rock wall. Throughout his traveling, writing and climbing, Samet said he battled an addiction to prescription drugs. 

Læs mere: Matt Samet: Fighting drugs with rocks