Artikel og podcast fra online psykolog Birgitte Sølvstein.
Har du svært ved at sove og overvejer du at gå til lægen for at få sovemedicin? Eller tager du allerede sovemedicin men vil gerne trappe ud og blive i stand til at sove godt uden hjælp af medicin?
Du skal altid tale med din læge om sovemedicin og evt. udtrapning, men i dette blogindlæg lærer du, hvad du kan gøre, før du tyr til sovemedicin.
Men hvorfor undgå sovemedicin? Det kommer jeg ind på lidt længere nede, men hvis du du ligner mig (og mange andre) og kun vil tage medicin, hvis det er højst nødvendigt, og i mange tilfælde kan du heldigvis etablere en god nattesøvn helt naturligt.
Scientist Thomas Moore joins me to talk about psychiatric drugs both in a very general way about why they do so little good and so much harm, and in very specific ways about drugs that affect the neurotransmitter GABA including Ambien, Sonata, and Lunesta, as well as Lyrica and Neurontin and all the benzodiazepines.
July 11, 2019 is World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day or W-BAD. My guest is Wayne Douglas, co-founder of the event. You will learn more about these dangerous, addictive drugs that are still widely prescribed beyond their recommended guidelines, often causing addiction, and frequently leaving long-term users with permanent cognitive problems. They can contribute to suicide and violence. Wayne Douglas may inspire you to find a group in your city to join in spreading life-saving information about these drugs. If you have been harmed by the “BZs” you will find companionship and inspiration through joining the reform movement.
With our new and more interactive radio program format with news, commentary and callers, today my guest is Wayne Douglas, cofounder of Benzodiazepine Awareness Day which is going on around this world on this very day. Wayne’s infectious enthusiasm keeps you on the pioneering edge of what global leaders are doing to confront the harm being done by psychiatric drugs. In his life, Wayne illustrates what one individual can do to help improve the world!
Wayne Douglas is a benzo survivor who has gradually recovered over many years and who helps to organize the annual World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day (W-BAD). He has a great deal to teach us about both the harms and recovery from these highly addictive drugs that cause so much harm to mental functioning. His life story is inspiring as well in exemplifying how individuals can overcome environmental..
Wayne Douglas went through benzo hell and lived to tell the tale, leaving psychiatric drugs behind. His story teaches us how bad benzodiazepines are for the human body and soul, and also how hard work and determination, and healthy living, can help us triumph over the nasty mental and neurological effects of these drugs during both toxic exposure and withdrawal. He shares his experiences trying to get redress in the Japanese court system and, as a bonus, he also dramatically describes how he also survived the Fukushima earthquake..
A Podcast Dedicated to Anti-Anxiety Drugs, Sleeping Pills, Dependence, and Withdrawal.
Weekly discussion hosted by D E Foster, author of the Benzo free book. New episodes each wednesday. Each week, D blends personal stories, interviews, and a variety of facts and studies from his five years of research on the topic and his own struggles with withdrawal.