Brain Based Therapy for Anxiety: A Workbook for Clinicians and Clients

Af John B. Arden



The Brain Based Therapy for Anxiety Workbook for Clinicians and Clients is a practical workbook that provides the reader with a clear understanding of the underlying causes of their anxiety, the triggers, and gives practical solutions for healing.

Through easy-to-complete exercises and accessible explanations, the clinician and the client explore who and what causes anxiety and how to better effectively cope. Worksheets, reflective questions, and meditations provide a complete guide that you will use time and time again.

  • Learn how the two hemispheres of the brain process emotion differently and how to balance their activity
  • Rewire the brain, tame the amygdala and create new brain habits
  • Learn how dietary changes can tune up the brain to reduce anxiety
  • Relearn calmness and change the way you feel


"Solid, smart, and sound advice for conquering anxiety from one of America's premier therapists." - Louis Cozolino, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Pepperdine University, author of The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy: Building and Rebuilding the Human Brain

"You will understand your anxiety and learn how to overcome it. Dr. Arden will be your friend along the way to your recovery." - Elke Zuercher-White, PhD, ABPP, author of The End of Panic

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Alita`s mening: Fantastisk god bog om angst. Der er gode øvelser og forklaringer i omkring angst og hvordan du får det bedre. Har hjulpet mig meget.

Benzodiazepin Bivirkninger

De fysiske abstinenser er blandt andet muskelsmerter, muskelspjæt, udmattelse, svimmelhed og influenza lignende symptomer. Men der er også psykiske; man ser blandt andet fornyet angst, panik anfald, svigtende hukommelse, lys- og lyd-følsomhed, forvirring, hjernetåge, pludselige vredesudbrud, paranoid, umuligt at være social, tvangstanker, høj tinnitus, dårlig hukommelse, svært ved at læse, hyper aktiv, apati, ikke i stand til at føle lykke eller glæde, udsving i blodtryk, kraftig personligheds ændring, tab af økonomisk overblik, nedlukning af kreativ sans, ukontrollabelt ordvalg og depressiv humør. Nogle oplever de samme symptomer med lykkepiller.

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6 spørgsmål du skal stille dig selv først
Af Online Psykolog Birgitte Sølvstein


The Benzo Free Podcast

CNN: The Benzo Crisis

Dr. Ashton & Dr. Lader

This documentary tells the hidden story of how benzodiazepines can both main and kill. The serious crippling physical side effects of these drugs can last for years after the medication is stopped, possibly permanently. Renowned expert Professor Heather Ashton compares it to the Thalidomide scandal.
Dr. Ashton publications

Withdrawal information (Udtrapnings info)

Antidepressant, benzodiazepine and other psych drug withdrawal information, advice and stories. Made by CEPUK.ORG.

Få tanker, råd og vejledning fra forskellige udtrapnings eksperter, om hvordan en udtrapning af psykofarmaka klares.

Baylissa (
Ian Singleton (Bristol Tranquilliser Project)
Melanie Davis (REST Project | Mind in Camden)